The Scope, Scale and Process of Innovation with Josh Rosenzweig

Rather than look for grand ideas and massive disruption, Josh Rosenzweig, the founder of Wibnilabs, discusses how modest investments by firms to support even small innovation initiatives can lead to revenue growth and new business opportunities. Our conversation touches on design thinking, client feedback, the unfortunate conflation of technology and innovation and where innovation comes from.

Recorded January 31, 2018 at Michiko Studios.

Design Thinking and Innovation with Leigh Ollman

Leigh Ollman, June 14, 2017, Legal Marketing Studio podcast

There has been a tidal wave of disruption in every industry driven by digital technologies shifting not only the nuts and bolts of a business but the expectations and needs of clients. The legal industry has not been immune to these changes and there is much talk about innovating in the face of them. Leigh Ollman, co-director of Akerman X, joined me to discuss how Akerman is using design thinking, or human centered design, in creating innovative solutions to the challenges of today’s business environment and doing so with their clients’ needs top of mind. The focus of our conversation is on design thinking and creating a culture of innovation.

For more information on Law2023: here.

Need resources? and Treehouse Innovation were both mentioned by Leigh as resources they did and do use.

Recorded June 14, 2017 at the New York City offices of Akerman.

Good Photography is Vital in Effective Legal Marketing with Michael N Meyer

Good photography echoes and amplifies your marketing messages while effectively boosting engagement with written content. In this episode, I encourage attorneys (and marketers working with attorneys) to expand their concept of how they can and should use photographs or other visual content in their marketing. It is no longer enough to have a mediocre attorney portrait; nor is it enough to have only one’s attorney portrait. At the very least that portrait should be built around the firm brand; ideally it will be built around the firm brand, support its marketing strategies and exist within a library of like images that can be repurposed across the full range of communications that an individual attorney or larger firm is making use of.

Additional Show Notes and Images