Happy New Year & Our Roadmap for 2018

Welcome to 2018 everyone. I hope it is a year filled with prosperity and success for all.

We have some great content lined up for 2018 here on the Legal Marketing Studio. This year the podcast will focus on Understanding Client Needs, Diversity and Inclusion, Success Stories of Specific Tactics and a series of CMO conversations.

First episode will go live the end of January first week of February and subsequent episodes will generally follow every other week. Check back soon! Or, better yet, subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode!

Michael will be live @ the New York County Lawyers Association Thursday April 20th

I’ll be joining Alex Acker, Nicole Hyland, Michael Tesalona and Dan Foley at the New York County Lawyers Association on Thursday April 20th to discuss successful law firm websites. I will be talking about creating brand aware photography that amplifies firms’ core marketing messages.

All the details here.

If you can’t make it, e-mail or call. I’d be happy to discuss in person!

Check out the archives while we’re away on vacation!

Picture More Business is taking a couple of weeks off to recharge and renew, so the Legal Marketing Studio is following suit. Keep an eye on our Instagram account, @picturemorebusiness.com, to see what we’re up to while away.

In the meantime, please take a few minutes to check out our archives. There have been some amazing guests here the Legal Marketing Studio. Whether it’s Brandie Knox talking about the bedrocks of branding for law firms, Arthur Levin discussing building a culture of selling or Veronica Escobar describing how she’s considered the multicultural identities of herself and her potential clients in defining and marketing her practice, there is much marketing wisdom for firms of all sizes in our archive.

We’ve got some great guests coming up when we return with new episodes starting September 6th. Subscribe via iTunes or Soundcloud so you don’t miss a moment!

Have a wonderful August. We’ll see you in September.

As always, thanks for listing!

Welcome to the Legal Marketing Studio, Launching March 2016

Welcome to the Legal Marketing Studio podcast. Our official launch will be March 2016. We’ll be discussing legal marketing from every angle with professionals at every stage in the legal marketing pipeline. Whether you’re the CMO of a multi-national firm to a solo-attorney just starting out, the goal is to provide you with actionable, innovative ideas for pushing legal marketing forward into the 21st century.

Of primary interest will be topics related to branding, content strategies, opportunities and risks from new technologies, measuring outcomes, and traditional tools and strategies for developing business.

The first podcasts will be up in early March and a new installment will follow every two weeks through the end of 2016. This post will be updated; the site’s design and navigation remain a work in progress.

The Legal Marketing Studio is an initiative of Picture More Business®, a legal centric corporate photography studio run by Michael N. Meyer.