3 Big Marketing Fails and How to Avoid Them in 2019 with Raj Jha

Raj Jha, Practice Alchemy, at whiteboard, Legal Marketing Studio

Sometimes things go sideways. Raj Jha of Practice Alchemy joins me on the final episode of 2018 to look back at the year and describe the three biggest marketing mistakes he saw law firms make in 2018. Strategy fails; accountability fails; and vendor fails. We’ve got all kinds of fails. Of course we pull out the lessons from these failures so our listeners can market better in 2019.

Recorded via Uber Conference November 9, 2018.

Building a Personal Brand with Jasmine Sandler

A strong personal brand can help an attorney or executive to develop new business for his or her firm or company. Jasmine Sandler, keynote speaker, trainer, author and consultant in digital marketing and social selling for global organizations, joins me on the latest podcast to discuss her process for helping attorneys, executives and entrepreneurs build, grow and protect this kind of personal brand. Our conversation touches on the kinds of goals and initiatives served by building these kinds of personal brands, the interaction between this personal branding and firm branding, and the buy-in and commitment required to succeed.

Download Jasmine’s Personal Branding Checklist from her website (will open as a PDF).

Recorded June 15, 2017 at the offices of Jasmine Sandler.

Good Photography is Vital in Effective Legal Marketing with Michael N Meyer

Good photography echoes and amplifies your marketing messages while effectively boosting engagement with written content. In this episode, I encourage attorneys (and marketers working with attorneys) to expand their concept of how they can and should use photographs or other visual content in their marketing. It is no longer enough to have a mediocre attorney portrait; nor is it enough to have only one’s attorney portrait. At the very least that portrait should be built around the firm brand; ideally it will be built around the firm brand, support its marketing strategies and exist within a library of like images that can be repurposed across the full range of communications that an individual attorney or larger firm is making use of.

Additional Show Notes and Images

Moving Law Firm Websites Towards Publishing Platforms Using Attorney Microsites, a conversation with Robert Algeri

The nature of the web is constantly changing, giving law firms significant opportunities to leverage their websites in new and innovative ways. In the second episode of a four part mini-series on web design for law firms, Robert Algeri of Great Jakes joins me to talk about his agency’s vision for law firms’ websites as publishing platforms and their use of Attorney Microsites as one means of achieving this. There are some terrific insights on the potential for law firms’ web presences.

Recorded January 9, 2017 @ the offices of Great Jakes in New York City.

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