Immediate Results with Niche Content a conversation with Jim Shenwick

At a Deliberate Solos meeting at the end of 2017 I heard Jim Shenwick recount how he’d built a niche content strategy to reach taxi medallion owners facing financial stress in the face of the industry disruption from apps like Uber, Lyft and Via. In this conversation, Jim describes how after reading an article in Crane’s business he recognized this un-met client need and business development opportunity and began creating content to reach these potential clients. Deftly implementing a strategy of writing content of value for these clients, he’s become a go to resource not only for underwater taxi medallion owners but also journalists and investors.

You can read his writing on the topic at his blog.

Recorded January 31, 2018 at the Offices of Shenwick & Associates.

Opportunity in the Moderate Income Demographic with The Court Square Law Project’s Naree Sinthusek and Jake Dore

Naree Sinthusek and Jake Dore of the Court Square Law Project discuss the Project’s mission of providing quality legal services for people who believe they can’t afford a lawyer and the market opportunity in that representation gap. We discuss the business and social justice aspects inherent in that mission and the difficulty of balancing those opposing forces. We discuss, as well, the educational aspects of the Project: encouraging the recognition within the legal community of the business opportunity (and social good) in serving this demographic and showing this moderate income demographic that legal representation is available and affordable.

Recorded February 26, 2017 at the offices of The Court Square Law Project.