Attracting Attention and Amplifying Ideas: Lessons from Michael F. Schein’s The Hype Handbook

Michael F. Schein, Author of The Hype Handbook, photographed in July 2019 by Michael N Meyer; copyright Michael Meyer

Michael F. Schein of Microfame Media returns to the Legal Marketing Studio to discuss his new book: The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers. He and I discuss how marketers can engage the art and science of shameless propaganda to generate and leverage hype in the effective and ethical promotion of professional services firms.

This was edited ruthlessly down from a nearly hour and a half long conversation. I cut the one segment in which he exhorted people to buy his book. Sorry, Michael.

(Disclaimer: These are not affiliate links. I found Michael’s book interesting and useful. I get no financial benefit in suggesting you will likewise find it interesting and useful.)

Recorded via Uberconference November 6, 2020.