Good Photography Boosts Legal Marketing; a discussion with David Lubarsky


Photography is a powerful medium that fuels the web. I believe that there is so much potential for law firms to better use photography in amplifying their marketing messages that I invited one of my competitors, David Lubarsky, onto the podcast to discuss how firms can help us to conceive and create powerful images that integrate into their marketing materials and drive their business objectives. My conversation with David covers conceptualization, pre-production, post-production and, inevitably, our personal projects.

Recorded September 12, 2016 @ David Lubarsky’s studio.

Additional Links:

David’s In Transit
David’s From My Studio Window (Instagram)

My own personal work.

Discussing Video Strategies for Law Firms with Robert Weiss of MultiVision Digital


Robert Weiss of MultiVision Digital discusses the ways in which video can support or even drive a firm’s marketing. Our conversation in this episode covers the strategy, distribution and content aspects of creating and using video well. Robert suggests ways that firms can maximize the impact of their videos and do so within a budget. The key takeaways are that now is the time to start using video and that firms should be developing a video strategy and broadcasting content regularly.

Recorded September 6, 2016 @ the MultiVision Digital studio.

Links to the resources discussed in this episode:

What Makes Up the Cost of a Video

The Video First Strategy

How to Leverage a Budget

Arthur Levin of AGL Associates on Training Lawyers to Sell

Arthur Levin speaking as a guest on the Legal Marketing Studio, May 2016.

Arthur Levin of AGL Associates discusses training lawyers to sell, building the support structures within firms to empower attorneys in selling and managing firms with a business mindset. We touch on some of the non-sales business challenges facing firms as well and how those impact on marketing efforts.

Recorded May 17, 2016 @ Michiko Studios.

Marc Halpert of Connect2Collaborate Discusses LinkedIn for Attorneys

Marc Halpert of Connect2Collaborate in the Picture More Business studio after appearing as a guest on the Legal Marketing Studio podcast, April 2016.

Marc Halpert of Connect2Collaborate discusses how lawyers can get the most out of LinkedIn and how firms can support their attorneys’ use of the social media site. And, he walks the walk: you can see his LinkedIn profile here.

Recorded April 27, 2016 @ the Picture More Business studio.